Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hello. Is there anybody out there?

So I know I'm not the best blogger. My posts could be more frequent and I'd like to write more about techniques and ideas as well as individual projects. Future plans, I swear! Now, I'd love to have an idea as to whether or not anybody is reading this blog. So if you're out there drop me a line via comments to this post. Say hi, tell me a bit about yourself and, if you're a woodworker, fill me in on what you do. Thanks for stopping by!



Lauren MacNeil said...

we're reading!

love your work,


Doug Brummett said...

Just found your blog, but am enjoying the read.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your blog, just discovered it via Philly's blog. Great shop, please keep posting.

Mike said...

Welcome Swanz! Haven't posted much lately as all I've been doing is building our new house. You can check that out at if you're interested.